Tuesday 26 April 2016

Jealous of Myself!

If i met my seven year old self today, 
What would I tell her? What would
I say? Would I warn her for the future? Of bad things yet to come? Or would I leave her to be naive, To keep having fun? Because my seven year old self, Believed the world is a perfect place. Even though I've learnt so much more, years have passed since then. But, I would give up everything I have to view life through her eyes again. Yes, I envy myself, for the innocence I had , of never doubting people, never judging people. I'm jealous of her as she had no responsibilities, she smiled for no reason and believed she lived in a fairy tale. Being impractical and naive was so much more easy. Yes, jealous of myself.

Saturday 23 April 2016

Small Steps Everyday

Why make yourselves low? When you have all the power to make you the happiest? Remember , when you were a child and you looked at life in total wonder and awe? Life was magical and exciting and the smallest things were utterly thrilling. Your heart was full of joy and your imagination had no limits. The magic of life is real , and it is as real as you are. You may not see a tooth fairy , but you can see the things you've dreamed of for so long suddenly happening. SMALL STEPS EVERYDAY BUT BY BEING GRATEFUL. #the_magic

Do you believe in magic?

Do you believe in magic? Because, I do. There is magic, and I'm pretty sure you don't believe me. That's because magic is real b...