Thursday 28 December 2017

Happy 2018 :)

Hey, I hope you had an amazing year. I'm sure you did and even if you didn't you gotta make 2018 a better year to come. Repeat after me, 2018 will be a better year. I know what you are thinking, people keep talking how good positive thinking is and we should think positive ,but all are vague and unclear , no one mentions how to do it. Some say meditate and think nothing. Now that's practically impossible. Your mind starts to think a little more than normal when you ask youself to think nothing. Meditation is related to positive affirmations and you don't need to close your eyes or stay in a closed room .You can do it wide awake on the way to your school or work. (Though it works best in the morning as you wake up and at night, that is your bedtime.) Now, what are positive affirmations? Affirmations are positive statements. Just simple positive statements and nothing negative or complicated. '2018 will be a better year ' is an example of a positive affirmative statement. You know, I've a wristwatch with a print "Now is a good time" believe me it's such a mood lifter. I seriously have an amazing day everytime I wear it because whenever I look at the time it says now is good time and my heart believes it. Now this may seem silly, but our brain is silly, you gotta remind yourself again and again that all is well. ( I just felt I'm talking like Amir Khan in 3 Idiots , so yeah "aaall is well " and he was right.) Again, it was simple and positively affirmative. So ,when you repeat these statemensts often, and believe in them, it works like magic. You might consider affirmations to be unrealistic "wishful thinking." But try looking at positive affirmations this way, many of us do repetitive exercises to improve our physical health, and affirmations are like exercises for our mind. These positive mental repetitions can reprogram our thinking patterns so that, over time, we begin to think act accordingly. You can write them for yourself. These are a few basic rules for creating affirmations: 1) Be clear on what you want. 2) It must be a positive statement. (don't use no or never or any other negative word.) 3) It must be believable to you 4) It needs to be personal 5) Make it as specific as possible 6) Visualize your goal as though it has already happened. Here are some sample affirmations. You may use these or create your own personal ones. Practice saying them 3 times a day at least. And make sure the negative self does not sabotage the positive. Eventually your 'affirmation' will become a natural part of your life and your thinking. Not simply a nice thought, but a real deep-seated belief. Affirmations for: Exams- I can concentrate and study as required. I am calm and composed. I can score good. I enjoy the subjects I am studying. I easily understand and retain what I study. I prepare for exams systematically and intelligently. During the exams, I recall information quickly and easily. My memory is sharp. I study efficiently, effectively, purposefully, and whole mindedly. I am easily able to sit for exams without stress or anxiety Abundance- There is an ample supply of everything. Everything I need comes to me. My life is full. I'm grateful. Good health- I am fit and healthy. Every cell, tissue and organ in my body is healthy. My body heals quickly and easily. Love- I know that I deserve love and I accept it now. I give out love and it is returns to me multiplied. I am loved and I love all. Weight Loss I am the perfect weight for me. I make positive healthy choices for myself. I look in the mirror and can say with honesty, I love myself. I love my daily discipline. Self Esteem- I am special I believe in myself. I express my needs and feelings. I am my own unique self special, creative and wonderful. Peace and Harmony- My relationships are loving and harmonious. I am at peace with all. I trust in the process of life. Now these are just examples. You know what you want and still you keep talking about how you don't have it or can't have it. Stop doing that. Talk to yourself about how you are getting what you want, how you are becoming what you want to become. A simple positive statement affects the way you think and better thinking gives better results. Its no magic, its simple behavioural science and most of all it's free and you can do it on your own. So , why not give it a try? So, will 2018 be a better year for you? Wishing everyone Happy new year in advance.

Saturday 2 September 2017

Good News

You know, I had an amazing day, today . And surprisingly, I stopped myself, when I was talking about it too much. I realised it was because we are very comfortable in talking about the things we don't love. Aren't we? Everyone talks about a bad day 1500 times ,but we forget about a good day too soon. When you talk about any difficulties with money, a relationship, an illness, or even that the profits of your business are down, you are not talking about what you love. When you talk about a bad event in the news, or a person or situation that annoyed or frustrated you, you are not talking about what you love. Talking about the bad day you had, being late for an appointment, getting caught in traffic, or missing the bus are all talking about what you don't love. There are many little things that happen each day some are good sone are bad. But ,if you get caught up in talking about what you don't love, every little bad thing begins to bring more and more struggle and difficulty to your life. You have to talk about the *good news of the day*. Talk about the appointment that went well. Talk about how you love being on time. Talk about how good it is to be full of health. Talk about the profits you want your business to achieve.Talk about the situations and interactions you had in your day that went well. You have to talk about what you love, to bring what you love, to you. Slowly, it'll become a habit and even on your worst day, you will talk about how it could have been better instead of talking about how bad it was. But ,if you parrot negative trungs and squawk about the things you don't love, you are literally jailing yourself, like a parrot in a cage. Every time you talk about what you don't love, you are adding another bar to the cage and you are locking yourself away from all the good. Remember , your thoughts are both the words you hear in your head and the words you speak out loud. When you say to somebody, "What a beautiful day," you had the thought first and then spoke the words. Your thoughts also become your actions. And when you begin to talk about all the good things , about what you love , slowly you will begin to think about what you love. Now you know, you can unleash the power within you to make yourself happy by talking. So the next time you dial a friend after a long and emotionally tiring day, vent it out by discussing how it could have been better. FYI, *Good news baar baar bataane se nazar nahi lagti hai* 🙈🙉🙊 Reference- Rhonda Byrne

Wednesday 28 June 2017

They say, "Anger is important".

"You are never angry at people, you won't survive. " "You are never angry, You'll be taken advantage of." "You can't deal with the world without being tough, you're weak." "You don't scold your kids , you'll spoil them." "You have to be rude, you have to fight, at some point of your life. " At work , at school , even your family members will tell you, "You'll never be able to get things done without anger,anger is important." I'm pretty sure you might have heard someone say those things, if not to you, to someone else. They say they are looking out for you, and they think they are helping you. Do not listen to them. They are not your well wishers. They don't even realize. Actually they are unintentionally jealous. They just can't understand, "How someone else can be so calm all the time, when they are not?" That's right, the society will think you're going crazy when you're going sane. Because "what everyone is doing is normal." Everyone is impatient, everybody uses anger to get things done. So , the minority who is healthy or making efforts to be ; is asked , "How are you so healthy? You should fall ill ,falling ill is normal ; after all everyone falls ill. " "Fever cough , weak eyesight , you should atleast have some cold once in a while. " Yes , they are that unrealistic when they say, Be angry , because that's what all of us do ; and what everyone is doing is normal. There are very few courageous people out there, who are not as rude as "the normals" and we want to deceive them too. And you know what? They are easily deceived. Because, anger gives immediate results , people get their things done. They don't care, they force others; the others have to do the work for them , they don't want to. This is probably why everyone hates their bosses. Everyone thinks differently, naturally there will be clash of views or dissatisfactions. Unfortunately we are acustomed to express it through an emotion called anger, because its easy. And indeed, at that moment, we feel, it was important ; but was it? Anger is a negative emotion when expressed, we hurt the listener and we hurt ourselves the most. The society has nurtured the importance of use of anger since the beginning , And that's why , anger is how we respond to some event or somebody, because we are so used to reacting on impulse, we forget to choose how we want to feel, and then respond inappropriately. Remember, when you'll be soft, when you'll choose your peace , when you'll choose to be polite, when you'll choose determination to explain over impulse or anger against the society norms. They may call you weak, they may call you crazy. But you'll know , what everyone is doing is common; and being common is not being normal. Choose for yourself. For the comfort of being accepted by others , don't just follow them. Find yourself. Be yourself. If people talk, let them.

Thursday 6 April 2017

You are not hopeless.

They say practice makes a man perfect. That means What you tell yourself everyday can either lift you up or tear you down. And unfortunately *You've got hating yourself right into you, as an art* It's now just a step in your morning routine, to glance the mirror and not like what you've seen because negativity is where you lean. Flowers in a vase, just by your bed. You see their beauty though their petals are dead. If they were a person they would hate themselves too. But they'll always be loved by someone like you. Although your petals are wilted, and you think no one knows. You're only counting your thorns but the world sees your rose. You tell me that you're hopeless. But you want your life more than your death. If you jump into the pool right now. I know you'd struggle to breath and that's not hopelessness. But that's your hope just hard to find. Today you meet a person with lesser specialties or attainments than you and you are on top of the world - you rise above the seat of self-respect and enter the dimension of ego. Tomorrow you meet a person with more specialties or attainments than you and that is a bad day for you - you go underneath the seat of self-respect and enter the dimension of low self-esteem. This is making you hopeless. Why don't you remember that comparison steals your joy? You have the capacity to experience so many emotions, both positive and negative. Sadness, anger, happiness, sympathy and the list is endless. Out of all these one very powerful emotion you opt for is comparison which brings with it, even more dominating emotion jealousy. In the 21st century, there are so many mediums which inculcate the feeling of jealousy in a person. Social Media is one such platform. While Facebook and Twitter rule the roost, commonly people wonder *How does he get so many likes? *How is she so photogenic? *Again a 'check in'! *His life is so eventful. You never know how and when these thoughts start affecting your life, mental peace and behavior greatly. But remember being aware of jealous feelings is the first step towards keeping it under control , have honest conversations about your negative feelings, its better than showing it through your actions. The jealous, the angry and the bitter may be the first to reach to the top of mountains. But a confident and internally content person enjoys the journey , the people they meet along the way and sees life not as a competition. So each morning have a luxury of imagining yourself with the success you dream of because anything that happens , happens twice ; once in our mind and once in real life. Let's make good things happen. ❤

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Do you wanna know?

Do you wanna know, what living life to the fullest actually is? Its waking up on a Monday morning with no complaints. Its knowing you always deserve to laugh. It's doing what you want to, no matter how stupid you look. Sometimes, we struggle through a tasteless coffee till the last sip and then we find sugar at the bottom. That's life , Sweetened but not stirred well. And being able to stir that sugar into your coffee is living life to the fullest ❤

Do you believe in magic?

Do you believe in magic? Because, I do. There is magic, and I'm pretty sure you don't believe me. That's because magic is real b...