Tuesday 26 April 2016

Jealous of Myself!

If i met my seven year old self today, 
What would I tell her? What would
I say? Would I warn her for the future? Of bad things yet to come? Or would I leave her to be naive, To keep having fun? Because my seven year old self, Believed the world is a perfect place. Even though I've learnt so much more, years have passed since then. But, I would give up everything I have to view life through her eyes again. Yes, I envy myself, for the innocence I had , of never doubting people, never judging people. I'm jealous of her as she had no responsibilities, she smiled for no reason and believed she lived in a fairy tale. Being impractical and naive was so much more easy. Yes, jealous of myself.

1 comment:

Do you believe in magic?

Do you believe in magic? Because, I do. There is magic, and I'm pretty sure you don't believe me. That's because magic is real b...